
Pre-Professional Program Pre-Medical


With an emphasis on scientific and technological expertise, as well as deep learning and critical thinking, Lawrence Tech’s pre-dental and pre-medical programs will prepare you for a bright future in medicine. Whether you plan to enter medical, dental, pharmacy, or veterinary school, Lawrence Tech’s challenging core curriculum, anchored in science, mathematics, and technology, can help develop your ability to think critically and express yourself clearly and convincingly. Students who major in the natural or life sciences, mathematics, or engineering often excel on professional school entrance exams, as well as throughout their careers. Many of Lawrence Tech’s degree programs in biology, chemistry, and physics can help you satisfy most health-related professional school admissions requirements without added elective courses.

For more information, please contact Dr. Jeffery Morrissette, director of the premedical studies program and health professions advisor, at jmorrisse@baoqiuyue.net or 248.204.3651.

Office of Admissions


Department of Natural Sciences
